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the purpose of this final qualification work is to identify the characteristics and problems in the field of Russian youth unemployment and to justify recommendations for improving the public administration of youth employment.
The object of research is the youth of Russia, representing the segments of the youth labor market: teenagers, students, graduates and young workers.
The subject of research is the youth unemployment and its causes.
The theoretical basic of the work is researches of domestic and foreign scientists, whose works made an essential contribution to theoretical development of a problem of unemployment of youth.
Information base of research: legislative and regulatory documents related to employment policy, the International Organization of Labor, documents and materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, data of Federal Service of State Statistics.
Final qualification work consists of the introduction, three chapters, the conclusion, the list of the used literature and the appendix. In the introduction relevance of the chosen subject is proved, the purpose and research problems are set. First chapter "Theoretical bases of research of problems youth on a labor market" reveals the general questions concerning concept of unemployment, types and indicators, and also specifics of unemployment among youth. The second chapter "The statistical analysis of unemployment of youth in the Russian Federation at the present stage" has practical character where the analysis of a condition of unemployment of youth in Russia today is carried out on the basis of statistical data. In a the third chapter "Public administration of youth employment" measures to minimize of youth unemployment in Russia and in other countries of the world are given, and also possible solutions of this problem are proved. The main findings received as a result of conducted research are given in the conclusion.
In compliance with the specified purpose in work the following tasks were set and solved:
- the analysis of theoretical aspects of unemployment, types and indicators, and also specifics of unemployment among youth;
- descriptive statistics of youth unemployment in Russia: its features, social composition of the unemployed, and also problems of employment of youth in a section of separate groups;
- measures of minimization of unemployment in Russia and in other countries of the world;
- possible solutions of a problem of unemployment of youth.

Сергей Бурмистров

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