Володя Tigrenok

Нашла стих на англ, но там вроде ошибки О_о посмотрите, я права ?

Вот стихотворение:
а ниже - мои предположения оп добавлению с точки зрения грамматики
что думаете?

Five Little Monkeys
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said
«No more monkeys jumping on the bed!»

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said
«No more monkeys jumping on the bed!»

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped her head
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said
«No more monkeys jumping on the bed!»

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said
«No more monkeys jumping on the bed!»

One little monkey jumping on the bed
She fell off and bumped her head
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said
«No more monkeys jumping on the bed!»


Five little monkeys ARE jumping on the bed
«No more monkeys JUMP on the bed!»

Евгения Пиманова

Нет это не ошибка, это называется причастие, точнее причастный оборот.

"Нет больше прыгающих на кровати обезьянок"

Здесь как бы подразумевается конструкция "There are no more monkeys jumping on the bed".

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