Кто поможет с английской грамматикой?
Было задание по английскому написать мини-сочинение. вот мое мини-сочинение на тему: "Как я получила ожог"
Проверьте пожалуйста.
When I was small I very strongly burned the right hand. To Situtsy could. to seem ridiculous if it wasn't so sick.
As everything was. I sit I mean somehow in kitchen, and there was an ironing table (mother only ironed clothes and yet I didn't move away her), the hot iron was based upon a board. Unintentionally the board swayed, and I trying to catch the iron, touched it with the right palm. As a result a burn on all palm.
Certainly the burn passed. But it was very sick. However, it everything is remembered with a smile. Because I remember how I approached to all my family members and I asked to blow on a palm when itself I was tired.
Here, it is mine "history about a burn".