Samandar Safarov

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The girl was waiting for her girlfriend Helen, so she drove up to her work on the machine. Helen is late. Finally, she heard the buzzer car. When she got in the car, Helen apologized to her and said that there were problems with a little Justin. Then she asked if her friend had read the report. The report describes the results of one month of the company. Helen was not included in the list of the best workers. Helen said it was because of her rival Carl Peterson. He is a talented manager and understood that what Helen did not understand.

Suddenly, on the road left the child on a bicycle. Helen hit the brakes and stopped the car. Her car crashed into the car in front of them. Kid on a bicycle rode past. Suddenly Helen saw the driver front of the machine. It turned out to Carl Peterson.

У меня должен был получиться такой текст:

Девушка ждала свою подругу Хелен. Она должна была отвезти ее на работу на машине. Хелен опаздывала. Наконец, она услышала сигнал автомобиля. Когда она села в машину, Хелен извинилась перед ней и сказала, что были проблемы с маленьким Джастином. Она спросила, прочитала ли подруга доклад. В докладе описаны результаты лучших работников месяца. Хелен не была включена в список лучших работников. Хелен сказала, что это из-за ее соперника Карла Петерсона. Он талантливый менеджер и понимал то, что Хелен не понимала.

Внезапно на дорогу выехал ребенок на велосипеде. Хелен ударила по тормозам и остановила машину. Ее автомобиль врезался в машину перед ними. Малыш на велосипеде проехал мимо. Внезапно Хелен увидела водителя машины. Это оказался Карл Петерсон.

Татьяна Опарина
Татьяна Опарина

The girl was waiting for her girl-friend Helen who had to drive her up to her work. Helen was late. Finally, she heard the buzzer of a car. When she got in the car, Helen apologized herself and said that there were problems with her little Justin. Then she asked if her friend had read the report. The report described the results of best workers of the company during one month. Helen was not included into the list of the best workers. Helen said it was because of her rival Carl Peterson. He was a talented manager and understood some things that Helen did not understand. Suddenly, a child on a bicycle appeared right before the car. Helen hit the brakes and stopped the car. Her car crashed into the car in front of them. The kid on a bicycle passed away. Suddenly Helen saw the driver of the other car. It turned out to be Carl Peterson.

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