Ситников Андрей
Ситников Андрей

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When i have free time i use my favorite gadgets: PC,TV,mobile phone (these are three of the best devices which i had).PC in the first place, I use PC for gaming,study and for the Internet. I cant live without internet or emailing.
on the second place TV,i use the tv for watching movies or videos. And finally a mobile phone,because I can communicate with friends, send quick messages and a mobile phone can be an entire game console which provides a lot of entertainment. thats all.

Исправьте мои ошибки и сформулируйте грамотно предложение там где я не смог этого сделать.

Оксана Машкова

When I have some free time I use my favorite gadgets: PC, TV, mobile phone (these are three of the best devices which I have). PC is the most favourite, I use PC for playing games, studying and for browsing the Internet. I can't live without internet or email.
TV is on the second place, I use it for watching movies or videos. And finally comes a mobile phone, because I can communicate with friends and send quick messages with its help and besides a mobile phone can have an entire game console which provides a lot of entertainment. That's all.

Mariya Lubimaya

PC IS ON the first place, I use PC TO PLAY GAMES, TO STUDY, TO GET INORFMATION FROM INTERNET. emailing замените на email.
And finally a mobile phone,because I can communicate with friends, send quick messages and a mobile phone can be an entire game console which provides a lot of entertainment. - немного несогласованное предложение, разбейте его на две части и уберите слово because. кстати, термин game console я бы не стала использовать в сочинении. просто напишите, что при помощи телефона играете в компьютерные игры.

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