Елена Фоминых

помогите с переводом на английский!!!

Переведите следующие предложения, используя Past Continuous или Past Indefinite.

1. Наш поезд шел очень быстро, я не успевал читать названия станций, которые мы проезжали. 2. Когда поезд тронулся, он что-то крикнул мне, но я ничего не слышал. 3. Когда я добрался до станции, уже темнело. 4. Мы вызвали врача, когда поняли, что ее состояние ухудшается. 5. Когда вы видели ее в последний раз? ― Я не помню точно, но знаю, что это было в прошлом году. 6. Вчера в это время мы были еще в поезде и ехали по Украине. 7. Когда он зажег свет, он увидел, что кто-то спал на кровати. 8. Когда поезд прибыл, мы все стояли на платформе. 9. Я завтракал в маленьком кафе на станции, когда я увидел его в окне. Он стоял с цветами и ждал кого-то.

Александр Иванов
Александр Иванов

1. Our train was going very fast, I did not have time to read the names of stations that we passed. 2. When the train started, he shouted to me, but I heard nothing. 3. When I got to the station, it was getting dark. 4. We called the doctor, when they realized that her condition is worsening. 5. When did you see it last? - I do not remember exactly, but I know that in the past year. 6. Yesterday at this time we were still on the train and went to Ukraine. 7. When he turned on the light, he saw that someone was sleeping on the bed. 8. When the train arrived, we were all standing on the platform. 9. I had breakfast in a small cafe at the station when I saw it in the window. He stood with flowers and waiting for someone.

(язык правда плохо знаю)

Анастасия Головина

1. Our train was going very fast and I didn't have time to read the names of the stations, which we were passing by.
2. When the train started, he shouted something at me, but I didn't hear anything.
3. When I got to the station, it was getting dark.
4. We called for the doctor, when we realized that her condition was getting worse.
5. When did you see her last time? -I don't remember exactly, but I know, that it was last year.
6. Yeasterday at this time we were still in the train and were going about Ukrain.
7. When he turned up the light, he saw that someone was sleeping in his bed.
8. When the train arrived, we all were standing on the platform.
9. I was having breakfast in a little cafe at the station, when I saw him through the window. He was standing with the flowers and was waiting for someone.

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