Ольга Бибик
Ольга Бибик

Переводите на английский

Я не работаю но учусь в уневерситете. Сегодня у меня было 2 пары. Я приехала в уневерситет в 8.00 выпила кофе и отправилась на занятия. На первой паре была лекция, я писала всю пару и очень устала. На второй паре был семирнар, я и моя подруга сделали доклад и нам поставили удоблетворительные оценки. После окончания занятий я отправилась в библиотеку, взяла нужные учебники и пошла домой.

Маруся К

I do not work but am a uneversitete. Today I had two pair. I came in at 8.00 uneversitet drank coffee and went to class. On the first pair was a lecture, I wrote a couple of full and very tired. The second pair was semirnar, my girlfriend and I made ​​a report and we have put udobletvoritelnye assessment. After school, I went to the library and took the necessary books and went home.

Максим Непомнящих

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I do not work but I study in uneversitete. Today I had two pair. I came in at 8.00 uneversitet drank coffee and went to class. On the first pair was a lecture, I wrote a couple of full and very tired. The second pair was semirnar, my girlfriend and I made ​​a report and we put up a satisfactory marks. I went to the library and took some necessary books and went home.

Нина Глушенкова

I don't work now but study at university. Today I had 2 leсtures. I came to the university at 8 a.m., drank some coffee and then got studying.
At the first lecture I had to write a lot and tired very much. At the second lecture we had some practical job. Me and my friend made a report and got rather good mark.
Ater finishing of the study I went to a library, got necessary textbooks and then went home.

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