Лина Савельева

Проверьте пожалуйста небольшое личное письмо по английскому.

Dear Sam,
Sorry I haven’t written for so long but I have been a trip in the mountains for two weeks. I want to share with you my impressions. It was the most exciting trip in my life. I had a dream that I will go to trip and my dream came true. I was so happy!
In the trip our group and I climbed on a big mountain in the west of South America. It was so long and we always was get tired to the end of a day. But it was even interesting. We cooked a meal on fire and it was very tasty! I liked the trip.
Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up. Take care and keep in touch!
With best wishes,

Екатeрина Иванова

Sorry, I haven't written for so long, because i had a trip in the Mountains for 2 weeks.

ON the trip our group and ME climbed on a big mountain in the west of South America

Have been надо писать если ты до сех пор в горах находишся

Екатерина Старикова

Вот так будет получше:

Dear Sam,
Sorry I haven’t been writing for so long but I was on a trip to the mountains for two weeks. I would like to share my impressions with you. It was the most exciting journey in my life. I had a dream about traveling and my dream came true. I was so happy! Our group and I climbed a big mountain in the west of South America. It was a very long and exacting climb, and we always got tired by the end of a day. But it was very exiting and interesting at the same time. We cooked our meals on fire, and they was very tasty! I enjoyed that journey tremendously.Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum has asked me to help her with the laundry (или the dishes? или cleaning the house? Что вы хотели сказать? ) . Take care and keep in touch!
With my very best wishes,

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