Ребят помогите пжл перевести на русский.
Только большая просьба не с онлайн переводчиков.
The most successful attempts to put on a highly cultured air have been made on polysyllabic lines. Many foreigners who have learnt Latin and Greek at school discover with amazement and satisfaction that the English language has absorbed a huge amount of ancient Latin and Greek expressions, and they] realize (a) that it is much easier to learn these expressions than the much sini pier English words; (b) that these words as a rale are very long and make n simply superb impression when talking to the greengrocer, the porter and tin1 insurance agent.
В букве а ошибка там за место sini pier нужно simpler. И в букве b ошибка заместо rale нужно использовать rule
В самом конце слово не tin1, а the