Ольга Андрианова

помогите пожалуйста перевести предл. на англ. гугл переводчик - офф.

Татьяна Кобелева

1. He could be seen in the garden in any weather
2. The apple is sliced into four parts
3. Ceilings are always painted in white
4. The game was watched with great attention
5. The house was sold for a large sum
7. These subjects are studied at the 1st course
8. The children will be led to the theater on Sunday
9. Such shoes can't be woren in the bad weather
10. They'll be met at the station
11. The evening will be arranged after the end of the term
12. By what was she so dissappointed?
13. He didn't notice at once that the window was broken

Людмила Тронина

he could be seen in garden at any weather.
an apple is cut in three parts
cellars are always painted in white
the game was watched with great attention


he was seen in the garden in any weather
the apple is cut into four pieces
ceilings are always paint in white color
the game was watched with great attention
the house was sold for big money

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