Любасик Болдинова

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On the painting by Ivan Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest" I see four bears: a mother-bear and three bears. They play in a pine forest under the supervision of her mother. Two cubs got on a fallen tree and are looking down at the bear, and the third one is looking with surprise his eyes into the dim distance of the forest. It is seen that the forest is old, the tops of the tall pines fixed in the bright blue sky. A lot of fallen, hollow trees, like they are going to break, but no, they stand firmly. It's grim in the forest, but the rays of the sun are streaming through the pine trees. The picture is painted in dark shades of colors. Mostly the shades of green. I like this picture because it is very naturally drawn, as if I am there myself.

Анатолий Филиппов

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Людмила Ковалева

In the painting Morning in a pine forest by Ivan Shishkin we can see four bears: a mother-bear and her three cubs.


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