Сергей Степанов

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In schools, children and young people often get injured during breaks . They often attract the attention of various technical devices, appliances, energy sources and water supply systems . However, others believe that a serious danger in times of change are radiator central heating radiators . They argue that if such a battery hit the head, thorax, or other body part, you can get a serious injury, sometimes requiring the provision of skilled care . They forget, however, the second most traumatic go door openings which are inserted in the glass. Upon impact, a door glass breaks and breaks into fragments that can cause deep and dangerous wound with damage of joints, tendons and nerves. Cause injury and may be a flight of stairs . Falling down the stairs as a result of carelessness, haste and hooliganism can be dangerous fracture, dislocation, or other serious injury. Prevent injury to the changes can only be observing discipline, caution, comply with the rules of conduct and internal regulations established by the school, eliminating every manifestation of hooliganism and unruly behavior. behavior.


В некоторых местах аспекты будто смещены: "They often attract the attention of various devices". Выходит, ученики привлекают внимание различных злонамеренных технических устройств. "If such a battery hit(s) the head...". Как умудрится батарея отопления ударить школьника по голове? "Cause injury and may be a flight of stairs". Может, так надо было: "A cause of injury may be and a flight of stairs" "Cause injury may and a flight of stairs"?

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